ankurit yauvana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. - From eleven to twelve years, the logic of the adolescent integrates and coordinates the previous structures in more general systems, source of new procedures and concepts already very refined, surpassing experience immediately 2. - Precocious puberty: the adolescent development is harmonious whole 3. "Interim Father", he got - time again, a weekend, this time that of the July 4 national holiday - the right to take his son - five years in full adolescent crisis - a tour of "places of memory" American 4. Adored or hated, in this eternal adolescent chubby face dotted with freckles is at the center of all major policy decisions 5. Ass's Bridge high school students, the distinction between the necessary and the sufficient is a late conquest of adolescent thinking, while the inclusion of classes, which is isomorphic to him in principle lies at seven-eight

Given are the examples of hindi word ankurit yauvana usage in english sentences. The examples of ankurit yauvana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., adolescent.

Love stories written for adolescent girls also first became popular in this period, especially in the US, notably Ramona (1884) by Helen Hunt Jackson and a series entitled What Katy Did (1872) by Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, who wrote under the pen-name Susan Coolidge.

For instance, rapid increase in depressive tendencies and suicidal rates among adolescents is one such area, where psychological knowledge dedicated to the issues of adolescent development is utilised for getting a clearer understanding of the occurrence of these phenomena, and certain intervention models are developed to assist the youth experiencing such problems early in their lives.
His concept of identity crisis of adolescent age has drawn considerable attention.
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